yo yo yoyoyo hu ma. bhag tu mujha nahi patha
A fused sentence is a run-on sentence in which two independent clauses run together with no proper punctuation mark like a period or semi-colon, or conjunction like <em>and </em>or <em>but </em>between them. In sentence number B, there is no punctuation mark or conjunction; hence, it is a fused sentence.
(B) The walk around Saxe-Coburg Square
is the key event in story which leads to Holmes' solution of the case.
I would have the half days at the end of the school year already marked. I would have it show times for the class switches. For example when you go next to your school calendar it would say 11:xx switch from math to lunch. You could also have your own personal calendar that tells you when your clubs are. This would work in the same way as the other calendars.