A crisis plan is an organization that can guide you through your impact. Whether it's a weather disaster, a highly publicized lawsuit or a bad product review, a plan could help. In August 2007, there was an earthquake in Peru that affected over 655,000 people. Red Cross took action and supplied them with food, water, and shelter.
The Peru Earthquake was an 8.0 magnitude with many aftershocks. This earthquake is well known and some citizens are still recovering. Six Red Cross workers responded and supported them with cash to provide basic health services, shelter, clean water, and sanitation practices. The total funding was 3.4 million dollars. The American Red Cross, its partners in PADRU and the Peruvian Red Cross continue to monitor and assess the situation. Assistance by the American Red Cross may include mobilizing relief workers, supplies and financial resources. Volunteers and staff from Red Cross were immediately mobilized to assist the victims of the strong tremor. Its epicenter was located in the Pacific Ocean close to the Peruvian coast. It lasted more than one minute and was felt in Bolivia and Chile. Roads, telephone and electricity lines had been severely damaged and communication was very difficult.
The U.S Department of Defense provides the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security. Their priorities are lethality, partnership, and reform. Their budget is 716 billion dollars and we have gathered more than 160 countries to participate. There is a total of 2.87 million people in this organization. DOD (Department of Defense) is an executive branch department of the federal government charged with coordinating and supervising all agencies and functions of the government directly related to national security and the United States Armed Forces. On December 8, 2000, trouble called in. A C-130 Hercules from Little Rock AFB, Ark., declared an in-flight emergency with an engine problem. Shortly after the call air traffic controllers reported smoke on the south end of the runway near the fire training area. Emergency crews from the base fire department, security forces and clinic responded to the scene. The aircraft, with four people on-board, had crashed. Fire crews quickly suppressed the flames and began to look for survivors. While an aircraft didn't crash at McConnell, the base did practice responding to this scenario during the Major Accident Response Exercise.
As you can see a crisis plan can help any situation. Whether it's a weather disaster, a highly publicized lawsuit or a bad product review, your reaction should be immediate, focused and emphatic, a plan could help. A crisis-management plan will enable you to identify resources that might be needed in the event of an emergency or disaster. When your clients are depending on you, you will have to be prepared with a backup plan to reassure them of your ability to continue to provide services or products to them.