Why does Faustus originally ask Mephastophilis to bring him Helen of Troy? Faustus fell in love with her picture and wanted to m
arry her. Faustus’s friends asked him to show them Helen of Troy. Faustus lusted after Helen and wanted to possess her. Faustus had made a bet with his friends that he could get her.
This happens during the Scene 12 as Faustus and some of his scholar friends enter. One of the asks Faustus if he could possibly show them Helen of Troy who they agreed is the most "admirablest lady". Because of that request Faust asks Mephastophilis to bring her which he does.
Oxymoron is used 'deafening silence' those words contradict each other it implies that their silence is giving kate the same impact as if they were screaming in her ears.