The daughter of the Maasai introduces herself and the Maasai, and explains their important relationships with their cattle and the sky god Enkai.
They should choose the last door which read spen ded glen because the other two read lowe ater leading to deep of sea and other read comb u stion leading to fire.
The story talks about two people who are trapped under ground and want to escape in to the world back after being trapped for a long period of time. So to their escape, elf came and told them about three doors out of which one would help them move out safely.
They now had to decide very carefully after thinking which door to choose out of the three with which they could move out.
He promises to teach him to write whole sentences and to add numbers. Anil knew all about the theft. He knew how and when Had Singh stole the money and put it back under the mattress.
Sure! A paragraph I'm also using the word ALLITERATION.