After looking at the map/picture you have given above. There are several reasons why location D has a cooler climate than location E. Some of the reasons are a higher altitude, father north of the equator, location E is closer to the equator.
“Natural law, in philosophy, a system of right or justice held to be common to all humans and derived from nature rather than from the rules of society, or positive law.”
The best answer is Abrasion.
A globe is a three dimensional representation of the Earth. It is a simpler model of the Earth.
Two advantages of a globe are:
It shows us the correct shapes and sizes of the land and water masses.
It gives us a good visual indication of the Earth’s surface.
Two limitations of using a globe are:
It is not easy to carry a globe from one place to the other due to its big size.
A globe does not show us various features like the vegetation and the climate of a place.
Answer: Body waves travel through earths interior while surface waves travel along the earths surface. Body waves travel more rapidly than surface waves.