<span>The Jazz Singer (1927) is historically significant because it featured several scenes with synchronous dialogue.
Synchronous sounds refer to any sounds whose origin can be seen on screen. So, if people are talking, you will see where the words are coming from. This is something that hadn't been done prior to the filming of The Jazz Singer, which was revolutionary.
My favorite artist is Edward Munch. Edward Munch was a Norwegian painter. Born in 1863 and died in 1944. I like Edward munch mainly because of the expressionism of his paintings. His paintings don't look realistic at all but have an emotional feel coming from them.
These figural-based designs are made of colorful, geometric patterns known as “arabesques,” a word meaning “in the Arab style.” As these patterns seem to have no beginning or end, they are used to represent the beginning-less and end-less nature of life, I hope that’s helpful
The answer is basso continuo
From the Italian language sometimes abbreviated as b.c is a technique of self-composition and execution and essential from the Baroque period
The basso continuo is played for one or various instruments, typically and harmonic as the keyboard instruments or others as the harp or lute
with the voice of bass simultaneously in charge of an instrument of grave tessitura like the violoncello, bassoon, the viola da gamba, contrabass and sometimes contrabasso.
It also receives the name of simultaneous accompaniment