Nomads is the right answer.
Anyone who moves from one place to another rather residing in one place is called the nomads. There can be many reasons for the migration of the nomads such as herders change places because of the weather( that is not suitable for their animals). whereas, other nomads including that of the traders and merchants, travels move for exchanging of their goods.
Searching for sea root toward Asia
The European explorations were a direct result of the establishing of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans had their empire right on the most important place when it came to trade between Europe and Asia, so pretty much everything had to pass through their territory. They used this in order to get a lot of wealth, so they imposed big taxes. That was not seen fondly by the Europeans because they were dependent on the good will of someone else, and plus everything was becoming more expensive and less profitable. In order to find a new sea root toward Asia, they actually managed to discover two new continents by accident, North and South America, thus setting the beginnings of the colonialism.
D) the sixteenth amendment allowed congress to break up monopolies
The Sixteenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States (Amendment XVI) allows the United States Congress to tax an income tax without apportioning it among the states according to their population or based on the results of a census. This amendment excluded Income Tax from the constitutional requirements of direct taxes, after taxes on income, dividends and interest were qualified as direct taxes by the Supreme Court ruling in the Pollock case against Farmers' Loan & Trust Co. (1895). It was ratified in February 1913.
Because the Nazis’ 25 Point Programme appealed to people all over the country from all walks of life, they became popular. Other extremist groups like the communists only really appealed to the industrial workers in Germany’s cities and couldn’t keep up.
Wealthy businessmen: were frightened communists would take their wealth away and did not want to see any more increase in support for them. To combat this, they began to give money to Hitler and the Nazis, hoping they would gain more seats – not the communists.
The middle-class: were generally quite traditional and were not convinced by the Weimar democracy. Hitler promised them a strong government and won their votes.
Nationalists: they blamed the legacy of the Treaty of Versailles and reparations for causing the depression and so lent their support to the Nazis who had promised to make Germany strong again.
Rural areas: The Nazis appealed to people in the countryside - especially middle class shopkeepers and craftsmen, farmers and agricultural labourers.