C. The Aztecs shifted from hunting to farming.
The Aztecs were a group of people dependent mostly on nature and moving from one place to another in search of food. This hunting-gathering practice stopped when they had to escape to the swampy island of Tenochtitlan in Lake Texcoco.
The nomadic life of the Aztec people changed when they had to settle on that swampy island. Instead of the usual hunting, they learned how to cultivate and farm crops, building causeways to get to the mainland. Most specifically, the creation of the settlement helped the Aztec people to shift from hunting to farming.
Thus, the correct answer is option C.
James K Polk is one of the historical figures that is really hard to judge by modern standards.
He was a forceful man with strongly held beliefs. He was the last in the line of "Jacksonian Presidents" with all of the baggage that came along with that.
Ultimately, he was a strong war time President. His single term in office led to the short lived Presidency of Zachary Taylor, who was significantly less informed and forceful than Polk. After Polk, the issue of slavery really came to the forefront. Polk was either responsible for delaying the prominence of this issue or just got lucky. It is likely that history would look much differently if Polk had a second term and continued his aggressive posture towards America's future.
I'd say he was a good President, for his time, who strongly acted on the economy and in regards to Mexico but whose record looks abysmal by modern standards and values.
Women had served in the war as nurses before world war 2
It began in the 7th century in Mecca. About 600 years after Christianity was founded.