According to the drummer boy, the soldiers are murmuring " Me, I’m the one, I’m the one of all the rest won’t die. I’ll live through it. I’ll go home. The band will play. And I’ll be there to hear it."
Copied straight from the drummer boy of Shiloh:
"What the men whispered the boy could only guess, and he guessed that it
was: Me, I’m the one, I’m the one of all the rest won’t die. I’ll live through it.
I’ll go home. The band will play. And I’ll be there to hear it."
If I were stranded on an island and could only have one item. I would want a yacht.
The implicit meanings of words in the poem.
"This is a man vs. self conflict because it takes place in Charlie's mind and involves his thoughts and fears. Don yells at Les Goodman after his car starts by itself. Les Goodman is interrogated by the accusing mob."