Italian name: Colosseo
The Roman Colosseum or Coliseum, originally known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, was commisioned in AD 72 by Emperor Vespasian. It was completed by his son, Titus, in 80, with later improvements by Domitian.
The Colosseum is located just east of the Roman Forum and was built to a practical design, with its 80 arched entrances allowing easy access to 55,000 spectators, who were seated according to rank. The Coliseum is huge, an ellipse 188m long and 156 wide. Originally 240 masts were attached to stone corbels on the 4th level.
Just outside the Coliseum is theArch of Constantine (Arco di Costantino), a 25m high monument built in AD315 to mark the victory of Constantine over Maxentius at Pons Milvius.
Vespesian ordered the Colosseum to be build on the site of Nero's palace, the Domus Aurea, to dissociate himself from the hated tyrant.
His aim was to gain popularity by staging deadly combats of gladiators and wild animal fights for public viewing. Massacre was on a huge scale: at inaugural games in AD 80, over 9,000 wild animals were killed.
Without trees, humans would not be able survive because the air would be unsuitable for breathing. If anything, people would have to develop gas masks that filter the little oxygen that would be left in the air. ... Anyway, trees take carbon from the atmosphere through photosynthesis in order to make energy
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Rene Descartes
Rene Descartes (31 March 1596 – 11 February 1650) was a French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician.
Descartes determined a single first principle: I think.
In Discourse on the Method and Principles of Philosoph is explained like this : "Thought cannot be separated from me, therefore, I exist".
This is known as cogito ergo sum (in English: "I think, therefore I am").
Descartes concluded that, if he doubted, then, something or someone must be doing the doubting, therefore the fact that he doubted proved his existence.