When an aggregate demand curve moves to the right, it tells that there are improvements in the economy. It shows that the rate of the unemployment rate is low, there is lower inflation, production of goods are relatively high and at a low price.
Imperialism is more direct domination where an outside power completely takes over to create an empire and considers it as its own. Colonialism is where the existing state is not entirely dismissed, but it is still controlled.
Through the Punic wars, Rome expanded their territory in the Mediterranean region. They have successfully added Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica, some parts of Spain, Macedonia and northern parts of the continent Africa during this period. There were also the campaigns that were included after Julius Caesar's victory such as the rest of the Spain and Gaul, and later more of Africa, and of course Egypt. Making Roman empire such a huge civilization, and becoming a world leader.
The government has examined the investigation of his death,and concluded that Kennedy was killed by Oswald, who fired three shots with a rifle from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository when the presidential motorcade passed by on Nov. 22, 1963. But that has never fully satisfied doubters, and polls have shown that most Americans still believe that someone other than Oswald must have been involved. "the magic bullet" has recently been disprooved when president Trump released the sealed documents related to the cover up of Kennedy's death acidental or not.