It is appropriate for a research paper because it is not opinion based or based in fantasy, it is a real thing you can do research on.
D - In Caldwells novel, her protagonist, Lucille, overcomes many obstacles to achieve her goal.
A Bildungsroman is about the growth of the protagonist both morally and psychologically. It's about the passage from young to adult, through learning and experiencing emotions, personal situations, a loss, etc. There isn't a particular style or content. For example, Disney movies or classic hero tales are an example of this. The main character experiences traumatic or hard situations to a point in which they need to step up and end up growing, learning values, etc.
Nate feels frustrated that he can’t join his brother
Yes because it shows how far this country has come from enslaving those with a different skin color to to now voting for him to be the president of our country showing a major evaluation.
The C) narrator provides the voice of the storyteller and guides the reader through the events of the story.
Narrator is usually the protagonist, or the main character of a story, through whose point of view we find out what is happening in the novel.