Mrs. Washington is scooping 4 1/2 cups of peanuts with a scoop that holds 1/3 cup. How many scoops wil she fill
Chinese painting style was influential in the early development of Japanese painting, but particularly after the 14th century, Japanese painting developed in different ways. These differences became pronounced during the 17th-19th centuries when Japan isolated herself from the outside world.
You can add notes to individual slides through a button using the "Notes" button. Presentation notes appear next to your slides on the screen as your slideshow plays, but they can also be printed out with the slides.
PowerPoint gives you the ability to add notes to your slides—often called speaker notes—to help you deliver or prepare for your presentation. You can enter and view your speaker notes using the Notes pane or the Notes Page view.
A photographer has a wide imagination that in taking a picture he or she is not just taking a photo but he/she uses his/her imagination so if you look at their photos created there are thousands of messages thats why it is a powerful communication tools nowadays.