1: (este) cuero es viejo.
2: (esta) medida no es correcta
3:(estas) bufandas son más baratas que (esas de allá ) en la otra tienda
4:Prefiero (este) bolso más que (ese) bolso.
5:(estos) bolsillos están llenos.
6: (esos collares de allá) no son de calidad alta.
7: (esas) mangas son más largas que (esas mangas de allá)
8: (esa) receta as más fácil que (esta)
Btw: I had to change the order of some words to make it grammatically correct in Spanish
Answer: Read the phrase and describe the religion. The people of this religion pray in the mosque. A. Protestants B. Buddhists C. Muslims D. Jews
Explanation:I speaks Spanish
The three wise men are Baltasar, Melchor and Gaspar.
Los tres hombres sabios son Baltasar, Melchor and Gaspar.
These three men are called "Reyes Magos" in Spanish.
Native speaker over here.
It is cierra not cerrar because cierra is like saying "it is going to close" and cerrar is similar but is like saying "it is closing"
1.ella studia todas las mananas
2.yo termino my tarea trempano mama me cuenta istorias
4.ella me ensena
5.yo texteo