C- Separation of powers
Seperation of power is the system whereby responsibilities and power are divided and assigned to various arm of the gvernment inorder to ensure effecient and effective delivery of the dividends of democracy to the citizens.
This principle recognizes the fact that, despite the laws and rules of the federal government oft United States, the individual states in US also has its own power to enact laws that would enable it to deliver. This laws may be contrary to the federal laws.
create a large middle class, which is needed to industrialize and keep up with other world powers.
The use of interchangeable parts (parts that are exactly alike) helped factories produce more goods at cheaper prices.
In the process of development of industrialization, the qualifications of workers and employees were gradually increasing. There was a need for a scientific approach for the accelerated development of industries. As a result, at the beginning of the 20th century, a related concept of industrialization appeared - Fordism. This term includes 4 components:
Separation of personnel: manager, engineers, and technicians performing low-skilled work.
The introduction of standardization in the engineering industry with the goal of interchangeability of parts and assemblies suitable for different products.
The optimal organization of workshop production, giving maximum returns.
Establishment of a conveyor at the final stage of product formation.