Answer: This is an example of a Shakespearean sonnet because of:
- the abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhyme scheme
- the widespread use of iambic pentameter
- the use of three quatrains followed by a couplet
In 1609, Shakespeare published 154 sonnets, among which is Sonnet 19. The poem deals with the power of time.
This sonnet is representative of a Shakespearean sonnet because:
- It follows the typical the abab, cdcd, efef, gg rhyme scheme
- the widespread use of iambic pentameter (a rhyme scheme in which each line contains ten syllables -five pairs which are called iambs). For instance, <em>"But I forbid thee one more heinous crime." </em>
- the use of three quatrains followed by a couplet. The first twelve lines in a sonnet are divided into three quatrains (each containing 4 lines), followed by a couplet (two lines written in the same rhyme and meter).
The Godess from her Chamber issues, / Array'd in Lace, Brocades and Tissues
Answer: Public parks were forbidden for African Americans to enter, and theaters and restaurants were segregated. Segregated waiting rooms in bus and train stations were required, as well as water fountains, restrooms, building entrances, elevators, cemeteries, even amusement-park cashier windows.
B d c a a b
You still need these?
The answer would be C. The committee's bickering was seriously impeding any real progress.
impede would translate to preventing...such as preventing progress.