Human and physical (look up the definition.)
[a] 103m (I guess that it is 10^3 m)
To calculate how many millimeters you enter in a kilometer, just know the relationship between both units of distance.
The relationship is as follows:
1 km = 1 000 000 mm
1 km = 1000 m = <u>10^3 m</u> = 10^6 mm = 1 000 000 mm
Days when the Sun’s light hits both hemispheres equally are called <u>equinoxes</u>.
These are the moments when the Sun is exactly above the equator. These days are called equinoxes because the night and day are nearly the same lengths – 12 hours – all over the world ("equinox," comes from Latin, meaning "equal night).
Sun's output - can vary
Greenhouse gases - atmosphere traps even more heat
Greenhouse effect - atmosphere traps heat
Ice age - coldest phase of the climate cycle
The Sun is a star, and it is constantly active. Its activity is very important when it comes to the living conditions on Earth because it can have a big climatic impact. In general, when the sun's output is higher, the Earth is warmer, when the sun's output is smaller, the Earth is colder.
Greenhouse gases are gases that have properties that enable them to trap heat. Such gases are carbon dioxide and methane. When these two gases are in a higher amount in the atmosphere, the atmosphere becomes increasingly warmer, leading to global warming.
The greenhouse effect occurs when there is a solid amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. They manage to trap the heat, thus increase the temperature. By increasing the temperature in the atmosphere, the whole climate on Earth experiences changes.
Ice ages occur because of the motion cycles through which Earth goes through When all three are in place, Earth cools down. Not just that the global climate becomes cooler, but it is also much drier, while the ice caps extend significantly more toward the lower latitudes.