Prompt What things do you typically do every week? Write five sentences describing what you do every week. Only choose from thes
e verbs to make your sentences: ayudar, bailar, cantar, comprar, escuchar, estudiar, hablar, nadar, necesitar, terminar, trabajar, usar, viajar or visitar. Use a different verb for each sentence. Be sure to conjugate your verbs correctly. Your sentences can be short and simple. If necessary, feel free to use a dictionary for one or two words that you may need but don't know yet. Example: Yo estudio matemáticas. (I study math.)
El lunes estudié para la clase de arte. El martes limpié mi habitación. El miércoles fui a patinar con mis amigos. El jueves puse carteles en mi habitación. El viernes fui a la tienda.
On monday i studied for art class. On tuesday i cleaned my room. On wednesday i went skating with my friends. On thursday i put up posters in my room. On friday i went to the store.