If you are talking about the development of political parties, then the issue that led it to them was “the struggle over ratification of the federal Constitution of 1787” (loc.gov).
Federalists, such as Alexander Hamilton, wanted a strong, central government and the Anti-Federalists, like Thomas Jefferson, “advocated states’ rights instead of centralized power”. (Library of Congress)
It's indicated in the name of it, it's 'radical' / 'extreme'
ur mom when she uses a shoe
Mayor Daley deployed thousands of police officers to restrain the protesters.
When the Democratic National Convention met in Chicago in 1968, thousands of protesters staged demonstrations against the US involvement in the Vietnam War. Chicago's mayor, Richard Daley, sent out 12,000 local police officers against the protesters and called in thousands more state and federal officers. The situation became a major riot between protesters and police that came to be known as "The Battle of Michigan Avenue."
The federal government ensures the cooperation of state and local governments by providing funds to help them implement important programs. For example, grants-in-aid are federal funds given to state and local governments for specific projects, such as airport construction or pollution control. The government receiving the funds must meet certain standards and conditions, and must often provide some money of its own for the project. Grant-in-aid projects are subject to supervision by the federal government. In the same way, states work with local governments to assure the quality of life in the United States. For example, stores and businesses must obey many state laws that require good business practices. State health regulations protect people eating at local restaurants. State education requirements ensure that all students in the state are offered the same education. For the same reason, workers in local factories and mines are protected by state inspectors who ensure that the industries obey all safety regulations. State bank inspectors help ensure that bank accounts are safe and that banks are following state and federal banking regulations.
um hope this helps