Answer: was to bring the war with Japan to a speedy end and spare American lives. It has been suggested that the second objective was to demonstrate the new weapon of mass destruction to the Soviet Union.
1. The English test is taken to assess the <em><u>writing, reading and speaking skills </u></em>of an applicant. Hence, the test is can be extensive, that can including writing essay, comprehension passages as well as a general interview.
There are a couple of exceptions. Applicants who are aged 50 and above, do not have to take the test, if they have lived in the United States for at least 20 years at the time of application.
However, they do have to give the Civics Test
2. The Civics test is conducted to ensure that the applicant understands the basics of the United States government, democracy and rights given to all people.
This can also include questions on the American Revolutionary War, three parts of the government and general history of the United States.
Unlike an English test, a Civics test is compulsory. However, the test is customized for each applicant depending on their age, background , education etc.
Areas like the Indus Valley Civilization (India), Egypt and China developed advanced civilizations first. Yes, geography played an important role. All of these civilizations had large rivers to support agriculture, Indus river in Indus Valley Civilization, Nile river in Egypt and Yellow river in China.
Sophia was built under Justinian the first and he ordered many roman style corinthian columns and greek style hellenistic columns imported from Lebanon to support the structure.