Answer paragraph: I enjoy the look on one's face when they see the free air and the wildness. The cold air surrounding you and nothing stopping you and the breeze that flows through and you become far more alive, that is the friend I would want to have. The ones who refuse to be held captive in there own homes the ones who are free and want to be free. Nothing's greater than a friend who knows exactly how you feel and is just like you that is someone you will want as a friend. We are wild we are as wild as the hungry bear, or the jumping cougar, we have it in us, we just have to release it from it's box inside it and let it go. It is in all of us, but we won't know about it until we find it. The ones who enjoy the feeling of the cold air and don't run back indoors those are the ones that have released their wildness. Those are the ones I enjoy, we all have it in us.
(when I say "I" I'm talking about Jack London)
(You'll have to add the chapter 3 thing)
A large truck or suitcase, typically made of stiff leather and opening into two equal parts.