A. Arms reduction is the correct answer
Islam regulates, apart from beliefs, also everyday life and customs. For example, it restricts what you can eat (halal) and effectively ensures that you will most likely eat with fellow Muslims (you're unlikely to eat non-halal food with non-believers).
It also regulates your day, requiring you to pray five times a day - this has a big influence on people's everyday life.
It was Earl Warren who wrote the famous decision of the Brown v. Board of Education case, which ruled that separate was in fact not equal when it came to separate facilities for African Americans.
The Little Ice Age was a period of bitter winters and mild summers that affected Europe and North America between the 14th and 19th centuries. The cold weather is well documented in written records and supported by paleoclimatic records such as tree rings, glacial growth, and lake sediments.
The Oregon Country was originally claimed by Great Britain, France, Russia, and Spain; the Spanish claim was later taken up by the United States. The extent of the region being claimed was vague at first, evolving over decades into the specific borders specified in the US-British treaty of 1818.