"A. Two-thirds of the team attended practice" is the only sentence that is written correctly since in this case fractions should be hyphenated, although this is slipping from convention.
It’s a Survey of American literature and literacy culture from its inception through the 20th century
Outline your content. ...Cut out the jargon. ...Keep it simple and to the point. ...Cut long sentences in two. ...Remove excessive verbiage. ...Use contractions. ...Remove extra punctuation. ...Use the active voice.Avoid redundancies.Have someone else proofread.Start tidying up your content.
Hope it helped.
It is a metaphor for the ineffectiveness of colonialism.
It is just as I feared! Two Owls and a Hen, Four Larks and a Wren, Have all built their nests in my beard!
A limerick poem of animals building nests in an old man's beard.