Option: A. Spain and Portugal form the Iberian Peninsula
B. The English channel helped protect the island nation of Britain from invasion.
The Iberian peninsula is in southwest part of Europe, which occupies Portugal and Spain.
Hitler zeal to invade England in 1940 was not accomplished because of this channel and the weak navy forces. In history, the English Channel has protected Britain from the invasion by the Dutch, Spain, Belgium and Napoleon during the Napoleon War.
Unions were very effective in shaping political and economic policies. Even though their initial efforts did not have success in the late 19th century, their 20th century efforts changed America forever.
For example, the labor unions were able to get the government to pass laws regarding the 8 hour work day, the outlawing of child labor for kids under the age of 16, and the implementation of health and safety regulations to ensure that factory workers were in suitable conditions. Along with this, there are now federal agencies that to this day, continue to monitor businesses and their activities to ensure that they are not breaking any labor laws or health and safety regulations.
The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments in the Constitution. These were put in after people wanting certain freedoms and rights in America. Federalists supported the amendments along with the Constitution because it gave people individual liberty, but Anti-Federalists felt as if the Constitution and its amendments gave the President and government too much power and the people should essentially self-govern and make their own laws.
They used poison gas at the Battle of Ypres on April 22, 1915. It was so deadly because gas clouds were released from containers and blown by the wind towards enemy’s.
The religious fervor in American society your welcome :)