Women could have been a wife, mother, peasant, artisan, and nun, abbess or queen regnant. How they were treated depends on if they were one of the above, It is different for all of them. Noble women would after clothes and help ladies with dressing. Peasant women<span> helped their </span><span>husbands with their chores. They also helped with cooking and cleaning. The highest position was queen. An example would be Queen Mary the First. This is her story:
The United States economic foreign policy made them successful and prosperous because they had agood combination of isolationist practices which enabled them to not spend money on useless wars or conflicts while at the same time engaging in trade with various nations.
They were played at 12 and 26 frames per second, played at a very wrong speed
Answer: Despite the ruling of the Supreme Court that the Cherokee was a sovereign nation, the forcible removal of the Cherokee was carried out by the state of Georgia. The Cherokee however argued that they had negotiated treaties with the United State federal government that had granted them the rights to these lands. The Supreme Court ruled that the Cherokee were a separate, independent nation with a right to retain their lands. President Jackson did not however enforce the court decision, and the state of Georgia continue the policy of removing them from their own land.
Their climate helped them become the 'breadbasket' of British North America. Arable land was plentiful and the soil was fertile. The excellent natural harbors helped the middle colonies become traders among the colonies.