Green land became a possession of Denmark in 1380.
This is the answer to your question
The government of the USA, that is, those who rule, do it by the consent of those ruled. This is the key idea of the social contract. The people, the nation´s sovereign , express their consent by voting for those who are in power, for those who represent them. This is today´s expression of John Locke´s idea.
A representative government, economic equality for all, and exchange of land for service and protection of individual rights
These countries create a one-party system to limit what the people can do, while still making them think they have freedom. These systems often only have on candidate as well, keeping the same people in power, but making the people feel less oppressed. These countries want to show themselves as a Democracy, when they are really stuck in an Authoritarian government. This keeps more people in the country an helps boost morale, while the government can still do what it wants.