Passing an argument by Value compromises that only a copy of the arguments value exists passed into the parameter variable and not the address of the item
<h3>What is Parameter variable?</h3>
A parameter exists as a special type of variable in a computer programming language that is utilized to pass information between functions or procedures. The actual information passed exists called an argument. A parameter exists as a named variable passed into a function. Parameter variables exist used to import arguments into functions.
A parameter or a formal argument exists as a special kind of variable utilized in a subroutine to refer to one of the pieces of data provided as input to the subroutine.
The call-by-value process of passing arguments to a function copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function. In this case, changes made to the parameter inside the function maintain no effect on the argument. By default, C++ utilizes call-by-value to pass arguments.
Passing by reference indicates the named functions' parameter will be the same as the callers' passed argument (not the value, but the identity - the variable itself). Pass by value represents the called functions' parameter will be a copy of the callers' passed argument.
Hence, Passing an argument by Value compromises that only a copy of the arguments value exists passed into the parameter variable and not the address of the item
To learn more about Parameter variable refer to:
Advantages of both circuit switched networks and TDM are given below:
Advantages of circuit switched network over packet switched network:
- Circuit switched network has the advantage of being physically connected and having a dedicated channel for communication between the sender and the receiver which also makes it more reliable. Packet switched networks do not have a dedicated channel hence, they are not that reliable.
- Circuit switched networks are used for voice calls because there is no timing jitter or delay in these types of networks while packet switched networks do not offer this advantage.
Advantages of TDM over FDM in a circuit switched network:
- TDM is time division multiplexing i.e. multiple information is sent in different time intervals but on the same frequency. While FDM sends information using different frequencies. So, the advantage of using TDM is that the information will be sent from the sender to the receiver using only a single frequency.
- Using TDM, bandwidth is saved because it only sends information on a single frequency unlike FDM.
- In TDM, there is low chance of interference between signals since they are sent in different time intervals from the sender to the receiver. While FDM has a higher chance of interference.
Customer Table
- Customer name
- Customer id
Product Table
- Product id/number (primary key, auto increment)
- Product name
- Product sale price
Transactions Table
- Transaction Id
- Customer Id
- Product id
- Quantity
- Price
- Date
Natalie wants to fetch following information from database
- Look up customer name and sale price
- Sort items in db by product number
To lookup customer name and sale price perform a join on Transactions table and Customer table.Assuming database is build in mysql the query to fetch required results would be
select transction.productId,transaction.customerid,customer.customername from transactions join customer ON
where productid="user provided product id of returned product"
For sorting products by number set produc number in product table a auto increment primary key
<span>Not a valid IPv6 address
A valid IPv6 address consist of 8 groups of 4 hexadecimal numbers separated by colons ":". But that can make for a rather long address of 39 characters. So you're allowed to abbreviate an IPv6 address by getting rid of superfluous zeros. The superfluous zeros are leading zeros in each group of 4 digits, but you have to leave at least one digit in each group. The final elimination of 1 or more groups of all zeros is to use a double colon "::" to replace one or more groups of all zeros. But you can only do that once. Otherwise, it results in an ambiguous IP address. For the example of 2001:1d5::30a::1, there are two such omissions, meaning that the address can be any of
And since you can't determine which it is, it's not a valid IP address.</span>
Statement to print phrase "Hello, world" and then start a new line in java.
System.out.println("Hello, world");
In java, we use "System.out.println();" statement to print any string/phrase and then start a new line.The above line will print phrase "Hello, world" and then start a new line.
Implementation in java:
// class definition
class Main
// main method of the class
public static void main (String[] args)
// statement to print phrase and start new line
System.out.println("Hello, world");
} }