50 points for what
what do you need the 15 more points for
Well, all you need to do is fill in the words. i dont know if you want me to write the whole thing or only the exact words but lol-... ill do both ig?
Whole poem:
O captain my captain! our fearful trip is done, the ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won, the port is near, the bells i hear the people all exulting, while follow eyes and steady kneel the vessel grim and daring, but o heart! Heart! heart! o the bleeding drops of red, where on the deck my captain lies, fallen cold and dead
Just the fill in the blanks:
Captain Captain fearful trip done
ship weathered rack prize sought won
port bells people exulting
follow eyes steady keel vessel grim daring
heart heart heart
bleeding drops red
deck captain
cold dead
Otis Amber
Otis Amber is a 62-year-old "delivery boy" who, even outside of the game, is often seen with Crow, in part because he assists Berthe with her soup kitchen.
friendship between unlikely companions is a theme found in her work