Both diary entries and autobiographies are subjective. Depending on the person who wrote it, the retelling of the same event may differ because everyone experienced and feels things differently. Also socioeconomic status, religion, race etc can have an impact on the experiences of events.
The answer to question 4 is
D) Ford improved mass production methods decreased the cost to make the car.
Henry Ford's ultimate goal was to make the Ford automobile one that all Americans can afford. In order to do this, he needed to find a way to reduce the price. The only way to do this without losing profits and laying off workers was to find a cheaper way to produce the same vehicles. The modifications made to his assembly line allowed for the cheaper production of Ford vehicles.
The answer to number 5
is it reached all Americans nationally through news, advertisements, and sports creating a common cultural experience
The radio was one of the first forms of mass communication. This technology allowed for millions of Americans to listen to the same information at the exact same time. This was unprecedented before this time.
The answer to number 6 is
put a total ban on alcohol: the creating, selling, and transporting of it
The 18th amendment resulted in the era in American history known as Prohibition. This amendment would later be overruled by the 21st amendment.
The answer to number 7 is
people from all over the country listened and watched the same styles worn by actors, products used, and activities performed on the different program
The television and radio revolutionized American culture, as it allowed for individuals from all over the country to create a common culture in the US.
The answer to number 8 is
All of these.
Assuming your referring to the Christian "Great Chain of Being" then no.
(I will try to be as unbiased as possible)
Just to clarify for anyone who is uniformed on what exactly the Great Chain of Being is... it is a hierarchy chart which first surfaced in Medieval Europe which goes in order as... God, Angelic Beings, Humanity, Animals, Plants, Minerals.
In the Bible it is stated numerous times (I can find the specific page and such if needed) that "great beasts" roamed the earth... now there is no historical or scientific evidence this was referring directly to Dinosaurs but there is evidence that mass extinction events have occurred all throughout history and some are event mentioned in the bible itself (The Great Flood) It is thought that about 75% of all animal life on earth was wiped out (Also most believe that some form of Humanity was alive during the supposed asteroid strike) which means that if you are arguing that a mass extinction event would mean that Great Chain of Being or basically the existence of God then you would be wrong. (Again being unbiased here, there is also no evidence that there is a "God" or Gods)
I hope this could help, my apologies if it didn't. If you need any more elaboration I will gladly try my best to help out down in the comments
<span>---> The samurai, who were the ruling class, enjoyed many privileges. They could kill a peasant to test a new sword and walk away.
---> </span><span>The United States is a democracy, while medieval Japan was a police state ruled by the shogun.
---><span>If Sano wants to torture a suspect he’s interrogating (FYI, he never actually does), the suspect can’t file a complaint and Sano won’t get in trouble. He also never needs a search warrant. </span>