Not really
simply because you need people to exchange the knowledge that each of you upholds.If you have to read books then share what you gain to get more of what you are unaware of.A word spoken by another person is easy to remember than filling your mind with alot of readings that you can't remember.
Your answer should be “B”
Some/most companies do not have enough willing workers to go back into work, and so their company/ies is suffering. But some companies, like my mom and dad's, can keep working since they can manage with everyone at home. Meaning all the workers can still do all of their work from their laptop.
Industrialisation should promote economic and social development in the following ways. Industrialisation means a country can produce a wider range of higher value goods – both for sale at home and for export abroad…. ... Industrialisation leads to urbanisation – as workers flock to factories to find work….
Standard news stories are organized with the most important facts first. This is done so that people who only read the first couple of paragraphs get the gist of the story.
Also -- people tend to remember what they heard or read first -- when they are more alert and interested.