1. On the other side of the world
2. Grandmother Spider used teamwork and logic with the buzzard.
3. The babbling brooks and children learn that sometimes change is good and that things aren't always the way they seen.
4. It is true that foxes have dark noses and possums have a bare tail, but it is different because these animals can talk and get along with each other.
5. The story suggests Grandmother Spider is wise and thinks about things before doing them.
6. I think "How Grandmother Spider Stole the Sun" is titled like this because the story is about how the spider used teamwork to get the sun for her and her friends.
7. When Quetzelcoatl got to the Sun, everyone groaned and complained.
"Quetzelcoatl, why do you have to be here? You are boring and bland just like the Earth."
Normally, Quetzelcoatl would have gotten very angry, but after everything he had done, he just cried. Soon, he had filled up the house of the sun with his tears. The water soaked all the musicians. They didn't want to sing ever again. The Sun and its musicians no longer sang. The Earth with all its plants shriveled up and died. Without music the Earth was nothing.
hope this helps!
Answer D.
The king is a tragic hero because he loses everything in the end. The king has a tragic ending.
The answer is A, request a second interview
Verbal and nonverbal cues can give us as human beings many different subtle cues as to what's going on in social situations. For example, certain nonverbal cues such as yawning, stretching, dreary eyes, and a hunched over body position can cue a person in rather quickly that this person is probably overtired. Furrowed eyebrows or extended staring at a specific object, or situation can help us infer that someone is perplexed. A hurried gesture, with sweeping movements of the hand towards the body implies that they want you to come towards them quickly.
Verbal cues are more obvious as thy state points more clearly, but both are efctive tools in language that we often overlook.
30 points for one PEEL (Point Evidence Explain Link) paragraph for how Dickens shows the importance of family in this extract?
So Martha hid herself, and in came little Bob, the father, with at least three feet of comforter exclusive of the fringe, hanging down before him; and his threadbare clothes darned up and brushed, to look seasonable; and Tiny Tim upon his shoulder. Alas for Tiny Tim, he bore a little crutch, and had his limbs supported by an iro