The types of non-linear texts are: graphs/charts - graphs and charts are visuals that show a relationship between two or more sets of measurements. The most common types of graphs are line graphs and bar graphs, while pie charts are the most common type of chart.
The trains are always late
I'd say option B, because that is how the story or the main problem was "resolved" (as the phrase suggests) or taken care of.
I feel that the Antony speech maybe would've been more moving.
<span>First off, the murder of Caesar was a traumatizing one (they stabbed
him like twenty seven times or somthing). I would've been on the conspirators sides
if they haven't done it so brutally. IT seemed as if though they did it
out of their own pleasure. Who stabs someone <em>twenty seven </em>times? </span>
Brutus's speech discusses how he loved Caesar (even though he stabbed
him, again, twenty seven times) and how he did it for the good of Rome.
With an ambitious ruler like Caesar, Rome would've become slaves to
him. However, Antony's speech says how he loved Caesar like all of Rome
and how he had helped all of them and how Brutus was a "honorable man"
(sarcasm ). I wouldn't have been moved by Brutus's speech because i had
KNOWN what had happened during the murder. I witnessed it. And how
different it was from out of love for Rome. It seemed more like out of
hatred for Caesar. </span>
The middle one is the right answer.