The stigma, which is a reproductive part of the plant where pollen is collected, will close usually within a few seconds of being touched by a pollinator. This prevents further pollen from interacting with the plant unless the stigma reopens, which usually does not occur
Answer: la habitación individual.
Claudia viajaba sola. Prefirió <em><u>la habitación individual</u></em> en el hotel, con solo una cama.
Claudia was traveling alone. She preferred <em><u>the single room</u></em> in the hotel, with only one bed.
Regular verbs are characterized by following an outline, so it is less difficult to use them in our conversation. On the other hand, irregular verbs, as their name suggests, are those that once conjugated change or alter their lexeme in some of its forms.
Son las doce y cuarenta....
Don Quijote es alto y un hombre serio. El es valiente y viejo.
Sancho Panza es el companero de don quijote. Segun don quijote sancho panza es perezoso. Sancho panza acompana a don quijote en sus aventuras. Sancho panza es gracioso.