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La escala menor natural es equivalente al modo eólico de la escala mayor. La escala menor natural de la (que coincide con las teclas blancas del piano al igual que su relativo mayor, do mayor) está formada por las notas: la, si, do, re, mi, fa, sol y la. ... Esto nos da como resultado la llamada escala menor armónica.
it's both
singing is a skill and natural talent both and maybe these two words are interrelated bcs skill is what we can do best and natural talent is also what we can do best so yeah from my p.o.v both words are same
Louis XIV
The French flourish in arts and literature in 17th century. This period was called the Splendid Century. In the reign of Louis XIV, enormous painting along with sculptures done. He was the greatest patron of art in France. The Palace of Versailles constructed in Baroque style, with a commission from Louis XIV in the 1660s. The Baroque era started in 1600 to 1750, where art and architectures dramatized with decorative and stylistically complex.
I think that it is a musical. Hope this helps.