When you put the quotation marks you then write said (name of whoever that is talking) e.g
''I took timmy for a walk''said lisa
Dear editor.
I believe that you, like me, are aware of the environmental impact that the waste produced in our homes causes, especially the waste from industrialized products such as plastic, metals, glass, among others. This environmental impact is what causes the importance of waste segregation, because it allows these materials not to be thrown away, but to be separated to participate in recycling processes, becoming new products and reducing the environmental impact.
However, despite this importance, I have noticed that many neighborhoods, including mine, have not accepted this position and have thrown all kinds of garbage in a single deposit. This prevents recycling, since the mixed products are simply thrown into nature, without any care.
I believe that these neighborhoods know the importance of waste segregation, but as they have no type of inspection or punishment, they do not obey this rule.
For this reason, I write to you, with the hope that you will disseminate this message and reinforce the need for inspection so that the segregation of garbage is carried out.
Krishna Mohanty.
I believe that this rule helps us thrive because it is taking about different life lessons. I also say that when you here these three words you should really listen because whatever it is its really juicy and important.
D), when making connections between texts, the authors reason for writing the piece will be most important in finding connections.
IT is not a analogy so it has to be a category.