Answer: Italy; raised in Geneva, Switzerland; and then goes to Ingolstadt, Germany, for his studies - and that's where he creates the monster.
Answer: Take it one step at a time. Annotations are up to you. Highlight words and phrases that you find interesting, or peculiar and , as the directions state: Label "Question" if you wonder why the author used it, or you might want to find the definition or ask others about their interpretation. Label "Track" if the phrase or sentence is like evidence for how the plot, characterization or theme is developing. Label "Response" If you have a reaction-- like "This narrator is showing signs of insanity. Eight nights sneaking in to look in on an old man sleeping. He's crazy!"
Explanation: I see the word "steadily" highlighted. You might question why the word is repeated. Is it to establish a rhythm-- like the narrator's own heartbeat?
There is no exactly right answer to this. The only mistake is not to try.
Good Luck-- and enjoy the story, IF you can imagine yourself in the scenario!
Shakespeare uses Sonnet 18 to praise his beloved's beauty and describe all the ways in which their beauty is preferable to a summer day. The stability of love and its power to immortalize someone is the overarching theme of this poem.
'to be or not to be,' because it is in quotes already. " ' ' "
he traveled to Zanzibar to find chocolate that will not melt