I like BTS and I don't have a favorite member because all of the members are great. My favorite song is probably either Film out or Permission to Dance.
He was one of the few that did not become consumed with their fame and power over others, he started out as wanting to help the rest of the country and the power did not eat him up; he started wanting to help and ended still trying to help as opposed to being obsessed with the limelight. People such as Robespierre (french revolution leader) started as leaders of a revolutionary club or organization, but realized their power over others and became obsessed with gaining more power instead of continuing their hope for the good of everyone.
On June 20, 1790, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton and Representative from Virginia James Madison met to discuss issues at Congress. These men were political opponents.Hamilton, a Federalist, wanted the Federal Government control the political and economic power; Madison and Jefferson, Republicans, wanted the states to have this power. This meeting is known as the “Compromise of 1790.”
During this compromise It was agreed that the capital would be moved to the South. In this way the south received compensation over the war debts between Hamilton and Jefferson. The result was that Philadelphia was replaced by Washington as the nation´s capital.
Ive had the chance to meet trump and tbh he smells like butt