The able-bodied men he saw begging for money and standing in bread lines in the streets of New York led Harburg to write the song, “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime "
The reason for the song "brother, can you spear a dime?" comes from the enormous numbers of skilful body citizens, the people who created the country and fought the war and are now in the search of bread.
The aim was not to speak out of the bitterness and misery of the human race, but to focus on the reason for both the forgotten and loss of these people, who were vital to their country.
The topic sentence should never be used at the end, where you should be concluding.
The statement that uses the correct MLA in-text citation would be A. This is the case because MLA in-text citations are inserted in the body of the text. They include the last name of the author followed by the page number in parentehesis. For instance, "this is a quotation"
In this particular sentence the word '</span><span>persevering</span><span>' is a gerund. Gerund is a part of speech which is a verb form functioning as a noun. Also, the most recognizable peculiarity of gerund is ending -ing. But in order to identify whether it is a gerund or not, you need a context.