The rhyme schemes of the sonnet follow two basic patterns. (1) The Italian sonnet (also called the Petrarchan sonnet after the most influential of the Italian sonneteers) comprises an 8-line 'octave' of two quatrains, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a 6-line 'sestet' usually rhymed cdecde or cdcdcd. So false
Answer: The website address.
In a citation for an essay, this is the section where the website address should be located. The title of the speech and the name of the website have already been included. Citing your sources properly is one of the most important skills when writing an academic essay. Citations make it easier for people to check your primary sources, whether to corroborate your claims, or to learn more about a topic. It also makes your paper more credible.
Slang is not necessary
Slang speak is highly informal, sometimes even
offensive. One should never use slang in a
business setting because business deals should
be kept highly informal and professional. Slang
shouldn't be used under any circumstance as it
may insult the people with whom we are talking
by making it seem that we don't appreciate
them or their business endeavors.
The Logan family and Mr. Morrison are trying to take a stand against the injustice against blacks by whites that is rapidly building up to a crisis—like the Wallace store boycott, or Mr. Morrison's violent defense of Papa.