As more white men were enlisted in the armed forces, African Americans
and women needed to take over the jobs of those men so that America
would be able to manufacture tanks, airplanes, ships, guns, submarines,
jeeps, etc. This gave them the ability to obtain jobs after the war and
helped make equal work opportunities for people of all races and sexes
in the 50s and 60s
Economics, as an academic subjet and discipline, has become global mostly because its subjet matter: the economy, is also a global reality simply because every human society is economic.
Economics is studied around the world, and economic concepts, results, conclusions, and policy recommendations are promoted all over the world by international organizations like the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank.
The images are featured on the rectangular panels along the sides of the image above (a.) the story of Mary and Jesus
The Christian architecture of 14 century was known for the display of the images .The most common images that where displayed where the story of Mary and Jesus.
Traditional religious work was the theme of the paintings displayed by artist Giotto.
The consequence of the Black Plague was depicted on the he Triumph of Death
Thus we can state that ,The images are featured on the rectangular panels along the sides of the image above (a.) the story of Mary and Jesus
I believe that the answer to the question is B.
2 O Creon said it about Antigone