It was the planet Venus that made the spacecraft Magellan enable the scientists to make an extensive research. The spacecraft Magellan was a robotic space probe that was launched to observe the planet Venus and calculate the gravitational field of the planet.
A public service is a service intended to serve all members of a community. Public services include services provided by a government to people living within its jurisdiction, either directly through public sector agencies or by financing provision of services by private businesses or voluntary organizations.
Jupiter is the 5th and most fastest spinning planet it completes an orbit around 11.86 years every year.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system, it's a gaianet and gaseous planet about 2.5 tims of all the planets combined. Like other planets jupiter doesn't have any defined solid surface, as a result of its rotation it has an oblate spheroid bulge along the equator and at it's boundaries are greater turbulence of storms and popular amongst them is the great Red storm.A complete day at the equator can be estimated by just nine hours and 50 minutes at the poles.