It is March 3rd there by this time if you're meaning about the date.
he average woman started getting married around the age of 20 instead of 22.
Them men who controlled the industrial revolution so successful by making a change, they made life easier. they invented things such as the cotton gin, the tractor, light bulbs, steel plow, farm eqipment. these inventions gave them more time to work. they had longer days and fast pace days. the factories were improved, although there was houses that were not fit and not in shape, they lived in streets where the sewers did not work, there were diseases that spread, there was children working as young as 5 years old and women work from 5 am to 7 pm. the women were treated less than men, the men were dominant.
this is the jiss of it, if u want to know more then just pm me, i hope this helps...
brainliest..? :)
It was making loans in exchange for property, hope this helped :)!
archeologists, historians, and geographers.
hope this is Helpful!