<span>A temporary license permits the holder to drive for up to 60 days while the application is reviewed.
After you pass a driving test, the government of the state need some time to register all your data and produce your driver license. During this time, temporary license permits act as a legal substitute for the driver license</span>
Answer: Option (C)
Sedition is referred to as or known as the overt conduct, i.e. organization and speech, that is inclined toward the insurrection against already established orders. It often tends to includes the subversion of the constitution and also incitement of the discontent in regards, or the resistance against the established authority.
Hitler was a dictator who wanted to gain power and land by starting a war to gain territory in Europe.
Hope this helps! :)
Correct me if I'm wrong
A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Lumbini is an important pilgrimage destination among Buddhists. It is the place, where Queen Maya Devi gave birth to Price Siddharth, who then became Lord Buddha and founded Buddhism. Apart from this, It is one of the four main pilgrimage sites of Buddhism in the world.
For pilgrims, Lumbini is one of the holiest places to visit. In fact, it is one of the four sacred sites that Buddha reportedly advised his disciples and followers to see for themselves. Rich and poor, healthy and sick, people come all year long from all across the world to realise this dream.