The roman gods explained the unexplainable by the ancient roman people and philosophers giving the natural law and order a human face and form it to be explained weather and natural occurrences. this is insufficient because it creates an false line of beliefs which lead to the leaders twisting the meaning behind the roman gods
Delta is a triangular region where rivers divide into small streams and then progresses to drain into a big river. Such regions possess rich alluvial and mineral soil deposits. It is the part of an old age river.
For example - the largest delta of the world is the Ganges Bhramaputra delta
The French and Indian war tool a lot of lives indeed than the American Revolution. It also involved a lot of countries, but the one that lost the most was France as they were able to lose their foothold in 1760.
They had begun to question the cost of the Vietnam War.
By 1969, opposition to war had rose. American cities were the scenarios of mass rallies and marches for peace and a withdrawal from Vietnam. The public was worried about the high number of casualties and the economic costs of the war.
They did not see the purpose of fighting and were increasingly distrustful of the official version told by civilian and military officials, especially after the images of North Vietnam´s Tet Offensive of 1968 revealed chaos and uncertain perspectives of victory.