I'm going to have to say A
The way i would explain my answer is by saying that the ruler believes that unjust rulers lose their divine authority.So by creating a cicil service you are being good to hyour people and keeping your divinity.
Atbilde ir apakšā.
Eiropas politika, filozofija, zinātne un komunikācija radikāli pārorientējās “garā 18. gadsimta” (1685-1815) laikā kā daļu no kustības, ko tās dalībnieki dēvē par Saprāta laikmetu vai vienkārši Apgaismību.
Ceru tas palīdzēs!!
Usos uzhz hz zuxuzhs hz shushi DJs d
Article III of the Constitution of the United States guarantees that every person accused of wrongdoing has the right to a fair trial before a competent judge and a jury of one's peers.