Loyalty and betrayal are both minor themes linked to the more prominent themes of servitude versus freedom, in the Tempest. ... Antonio betrayed his brother and stole the dukedom of Milan from him while he (Prospero) was studying. Being the loyal man that he is, Prospero did not expect his brother evil grab for power.
There are “2” morphemes in that sentence
Amy Ruth Tan is an American author known for the novel The Joy Luck Club whose story is written in Wayne Wang
The correct answer is The author's last name and page number(s) must appear within the text and after the direct or indirect quotation.
According to MLA Handbook (8th ed.), whenever a quotation is directly or indirectly inserted in the body of a research paper, it is essential to acknowledge the source where the quotation was taken form. To do so, it is necessary to add a parenthetical reference at the end of the quotation with the author’s (or authors’) last name(s) and the page number(s) of the quotation, paraphrase, or summary you are quoting. For example:
Sometimes, teachers will shy away from teaching literature with a goal of aesthetic reading because it is nearly impossible to measure accurately a student’s personal responses to the text (Cline 96).
Subject Verb / Indirect Object / Direct Object. She taught the naughty boy a lesson. Kyle told Madison a secret. Arthur sold Ricky his old car.
Hopefully this helps you