Cuneiform = The writing system invented by the Sumerians
Kiln = An oven used to bake things made of clay like bricks or pottery
Ziggurat = A rectangular shaped stone building found un ancient Mesopotamia
Chariot = A two wheeled vehicle that is used to carry heavy loads
Bronze = A metal made by combining tin and copper
1. Spanish and Indian descent -- mestizo
2. Spanish province in New World
3. his ship was first to sail around the world -- Magellan
4. defeated Incas
-- Pizarro
5. conquered Aztecs
-- Cortes
6. first permanent French settlement in New World -- Quebec
7. palace of Louis XIV -- Versailles
8. English translation of the Bible -- James I
9. an English explorer -- Sir Francis Drake
Promised open gays in military but compromised with DADT.
Do the hard work of bridging racial divisions.
Inca roads help the government consolidate and maintain power because it would allow messages to be sent from one person in power (government officials) to another communicate with each other