The correct answer is erosion
- Magmatism refers to the positioning of magma on the outer surface and within the layers of a terrestrial planet which on cooling solidifies into igneous rocks.
- Mechanical weathering is the process of breaking of big rocks into tiny or smaller pieces. It is basically a process of conversion of big rocks into sediments thus leading to the formation of soil.
- Chemical Weathering is the process of breaking down of big rocks into tiny pieces by chemical reactions instead of mechanical processes.
- Erosion is the process of removal of soil, sediments and dissolved substance from one location and transporting it to another location on earth crust.
- Metamorphism is the process of change in the structure or com[position of a rock by the action of pressure, temperature or other natural forces.
The negative effects of geological structures in our environment can be landslides occurring on unfavorably oriented geological structures causing damage and sometimes loss of life on highways and railways, for example.A positive effect of geological structures is that where there are subduction zones, mineral deposits can form above them on the adjoining continents like in British Columbia on the west coast of North America. Also, faults and fractures can allow hydrothermal fluids charged with metals to form ore deposits.
Answer: Yes!
Detailed Explanation:
Resources are not free gifts of nature. They are the results of human functions. Hence we should try to save every type of resource in this world, whether it is renewable or non renewable.
Note: This Answer is not from the Examination point of view.
1) Topography is a major challenge hence answer is TRUE
2) Forecasts made for shorter periods tend to be more reliable and accurate when compared to forecasts made over a longer period hence answer is TRUE
3) pre-frontal squalls lines are linked to thunderstorms answer is TRUE
4) It is easier to forecast the potential of a blizzard than the movement of a tornado FALSE
5) A tornadic waterspout is a Tornado over a body of water ; TRUE
6) Hurricanes require high relative humidity concentrations ; TRUE
7) A microclimate is the average climate a very small area not as big as a city hence answer is FALSE
8) This is TRUE because the thunderstorm can cause the aircraft to lose its control
9) The eye wall of a hurricane forms only at the final stage of the Hurricane hence the answer is FALSE
10) TRUE
According to one hypothesis, life on earth emerged from (bluegreen algae/ amino acids/ molten metals/ crustal rocks) in the presence of large amounts of gasses seeping from deep ocean vents. ANother process called primordial soup suggests that the formation of life was due to the effects of (lightning/sunlight/gravity/meteorites) in earths atmosphere.