The Peace of Westphalia, concluded in 1648 in Münster (Germany), ended the Thirty Years War, which started with an anti-Habsburg revolt in Bohemia in 1618 but became an entanglement of different conflicts concerning the constitution of the Holy Roman Empire, religion, and the state system of Europe.
Hamilton reasoned that tariffs would raise revenue to fund the nation.
the answer is b
Answer:John Adams was the spokesman of the American Revolution, playing a central role in convincing the Continental Congress to vote for independence. He also worked with Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin to write the Declaration of Independence.
Disgraced, Burgoyne returned to England, and was never given another command. These crucial colonist victories at the Battle of Saratoga persuaded the French to support the Americans with military aid, and is considered the major turning point in the American Revolution.
Women supported the American Revolution by making homespun cloth, working to produce goods and services to help the army, and even serving as spies.
The American colonists did not fight the Revolutionary War for independence from Britain by themselves. They had allies who helped them by providing aid in the form of supplies, weapons, military leaders, and soldiers. These allies played a major role in helping the colonists to gain their independence.
Because LBJ, under the Tolkien Resolution, was given basically infinite power to protect U.S interests in Vietnam. Thus, President Johnson continued to "escalate", or build up American forces, weapons, and intervention in Vietnam. Now, somewhat opposite of this would be "Vietnamization" under Nixon, which was the gradual withdrawal of American troops but a continuation of supplies in order to aid South Vietnam from the Vietcong.