<h2><em><u>When something is detrimental to our health, we strive to avoid it whenever possible to extend our lives. We know that exposure to known cancer causing agents such as asbestos and lead paint is harmful; therefore, we do not expose ourselves to the risk and we certainly do not eat it. This seems simple; however, what do we do when that harmful vice is food? We cannot stop eating; instead, we must closely examine what we are putting into our bodies. When faced with the choice of a burger or grilled vegetables, most would choose the burger. These choices have lead us down a path littered with food related diseases, illnesses and rising healthcare costs. The state of Americans health is declining due to increasing obesity, diabetes and…show more content…</u></em></h2><h2><em><u>When something is detrimental to our health, we strive to avoid it whenever possible to extend our lives. We know that exposure to known cancer causing agents such as asbestos and lead paint is harmful; therefore, we do not expose ourselves to the risk and we certainly do not eat it. This seems simple; however, what do we do when that harmful vice is food? We cannot stop eating; instead, we must closely examine what we are putting into our bodies. When faced with the choice of a burger or grilled vegetables, most would choose the burger. These choices have lead us down a path littered with food related diseases, illnesses and rising healthcare costs. The state of Americans health is declining due to increasing obesity, diabetes and…show more content…The advertisement sounds and looks believable until you read the label on the package. The salad dressing adds excessive calories and fat that often exceeds the amounts for a small hamburger, making it the unhealthy option.</u></em></h2><h2 /><h2 /><h2 /><h2><em><u>When something is detrimental to our health, we strive to avoid it whenever possible to extend our lives. We know that exposure to known cancer causing agents such as asbestos and lead paint is harmful; therefore, we do not expose ourselves to the risk and we certainly do not eat it. This seems simple; however, what do we do when that harmful vice is food? We cannot stop eating; instead, we must closely examine what we are putting into our bodies. When faced with the choice of a burger or grilled vegetables, most would choose the burger. These choices have lead us down a path littered with food related diseases, illnesses and rising healthcare costs. The state of Americans health is declining due to increasing obesity, diabetes and…show more content…The advertisement sounds and looks believable until you read the label on the package. The salad dressing adds excessive calories and fat that often exceeds the amounts for a small hamburger, making it the unhealthy option.Society must educate itself on what type of food is healthy such as fresh or fresh frozen vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and fruits. Parents should take the time to explain what these are and why they are important, educating themselves if necessary. Families can also extend this education to a hands-on experience but starting a small vegetable garden which produces some of the vegetables they eat. Author and farmer, Sharon Astyk, and sustainable systems land planner, Aaron Newton, argue that people need to take back the control of the food selection and prices by growing their own or purchasing directly from local farmers. In their article, “The Rich Get Richer: the Poor Go Hungry”, Astyk and Newton (2015) write, “When we grow our own food, or buy it directly from local farmers, we take power away from multinationals” (p.518). I agree that society should become more involved and self-sustaining pertaining to food to retain independence from companies that are loyal to shareholders. This education will provide the current and future generations necessary resources to make improved food choices, thereby reducing the obesity and diabetes epidemics gripping our nation. </u></em></h2>
Lost generation is most likely referring to the young men that served in the military and lost their lives during the war, which left a huge age gap in many populations. The remaining population mostly consisted of women and men that were too old to serve or too young. All fit men between the ages of 18-45 ish were gone.
They change our culture by causing people to become addicted to phones and other thing as well as causing us to be able to communicate/talk with other people helping 911 responders to get places quicker
The course was unlike anything I’ve ever joined in my life. While it was a bunch of fun and interesting to try I did find some of the courses not as fun as some of the others! I personally have a hard time with dancing and making my body physically do things while singing and acting are easier and more fun to connect with.